January, February, March 2024 News
It’s been six years since the Board named me Executive Director of Bayou Land Families Helping Families…and what a great 6 years it has been. So many positive things have happened during those years. The number of people we have helped in one way or another (phone call, email, in-person visits, trainings, etc.) has increased from about 2,850 to more than 5,800 annually. The number of trainings we have provided has grown from about 22 per year to as many as 33 per year, resulting in the number of people participating in these trainings rising from about 300 to just over 900 annually. We have increased our outreach efforts as well. Six years ago, we were making about 94 visits per year to pediatricians, school board offices, physical therapy clinics, etc. This year we have made more than 230 such visits, built a training room inside of our building which now affords parents and professionals the opportunity to participate in our trainings here in the building or from wherever they are with their computer, iPad or smartphone. We’ve painted the inside and outside of our building, put down new floors and added hurricane shutters to our windows.
So much has been accomplished and none of these things would have been possible without the support of our awesome Board of Directors or without the hard work and dedication of our small, but mighty, staff (including me, we are but 5). To these people, there are no words to express my appreciation and respect. That being said, it is with a bit of sadness and a great deal of anticipation that I must say that, as of 4:00 p.m. on June 28, 2024, I will be retiring from my position as Executive Director. My wife and I have both worked hard for our entire lives and have worked even harder raising our children. And now we hope to be able to do a little bit of traveling within the U.S. (I love a good road trip!) The next newsletter will introduce the new Executive Director of BLFHF so be on the lookout for that. Have a great life and be safe, healthy and happy! When things get tough, remember that “this, too, shall pass” and when things are good, remember to take the time to appreciate your good fortune! I’ve worked for the past 54 years and now it is time for us to play a little bit. So, thank you all for the support over these past years and please continue to allow BLFHF to address whatever concerns you
might have. It’s who we are and it’s what we do!
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Charles "Charlie" Michel
PTSD and Spinal Cord Injury
Experiencing a disability, particularly a significant one like spinal cord injury, often leads to a profound impact on mental health and well-being, with factors such as loss, trauma, and resilience playing crucial roles. While some individuals may find strength and growth amidst such challenges, others may struggle with severe mental health issues, underscoring the unpredictable nature of trauma responses. Nonetheless, with support and understanding, there's hope for healing and navigating through the complexities of trauma, akin to lightening the load of a metaphorical backpack on a lifelong journey. Click the link to read more.. https://unitedspinal.org/ptsd-and-spinal-cord-injury/

Louisiana Family to Family Health Information Center (F2F HIC)
Empowering Families Through Knowledge and Support
Welcome to the Family to Family Health Information Center (F2F HIC) of Louisiana. At the heart of our mission lies a profound commitment: to arm families with information, training, and resources so they can advocate for enhanced health services and outcomes for their children.
Who We Are & Where We're Located
We proudly operate under the auspices of Bayou Land Families Helping Families, a key initiative of the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council. Our center stands as a beacon of support for families with children or adults with special health care needs and professionals.
Program Supervisor: April Young
Address: 286 Hwy. 3185, Thibodaux, LA 70301
Phone: (985) 447-4461
Email: ayoung@blfhf.org
Website: http://www.blfhf.org/
Our Services and Support
The Family to Family Health Information Center offers specialized services and support for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and their Families, spanning ages 0-26. Our offerings include:
• Empowering parents and transitioning youth with skills for proactive partnership with medical professionals.
• Facilitating families' navigation through health care challenges and financing complexities.
• Outreach through health fairs to raise awareness about community programs and services.
• Conducting training sessions on services, resources, and advocacy for superior health care services in our state.
Statewide Outreach, Localized Support
Our collaboration extends beyond our immediate premises. Through our partnership with Families Helping Families Resource Centers across the state, we ensure that Louisiana's Family to Family Health Information Center reaches you right in your own backyard.
Your Information Specialists
Our specialists, parents of children or youth with special health care needs, are not just professionals – they resonate with the experiences, challenges, and aspirations of families with special health care needs. Their lived experiences make them an invaluable resource for understanding and addressing your concerns.
A National Network of Support
Our efforts are part of a larger network. Family-to-Family Health Information Centers (F2Fs) function as family-led organizations supporting families of children with special health care needs. This initiative receives robust support from the Family Voices through the Family Engagement and Leadership in Systems of Care grant, funded until 2028 by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Maternal Child Health Bureau.
Furthermore, the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) sponsors F2Fs not just in our state, but across the nation, encompassing every state, the District of Columbia, five US territories, and dedicated F2Fs serving American Indians and Alaska Natives. This cohesive network ensures that CYSHCN and their families receive comprehensive support, irrespective of their location.
Connect with Us
For more information, or to locate an Information Specialist in your region, please reach out using the contact information provided above or to your local Families Helping Families Center. We're here to guide, assist, and walk alongside you in your journey.
Hello, My name is Kylie Grizzaffi. I am a graduate of Nicholls State University, and I serve as the Education Liaison at Bayouland Families Helping Families. My role is to assist families in advocating for their children’s Educational needs so that children can have a successful and rewarding experience in school. Beyond my professional duties, I am actively working with Nicholls State Choirs and pursuing my hobbies in music, art, reading, and technology. I am also passionate about working with children and making a difference in their lives so that they can be ready to take on the future after us.
Parenting a child with disabilities is much different than parenting a child without a disability. There are life changing activities, frequent doctor visits and around the clock care. Nothing is normal but it's your normal. There are many challenges to face, with the help and support of doctors, families, and friends, those challenges can be overcome.
Click the link for more information > https://exceptionallives.org/blog/parenting-child-disability/
Bayou Land Families Helping Families | 286 Hwy 3185, Thibodaux, LA 70301