Families Helping Families Services
Family-to-Family Health Information Center (F2FHIC)
Our Information Specialists are parents of children or youth with special health care needs. They are uniquely qualified to understand the issues and concerns of families who have children with special health care needs. They are available to assist you in locating resources in your community, our state and nationwide that will help you support your child.
Information and Referral
LaCAN further the Council’s mission by advocating for policies and systems that support inclusion everywhere people learn, work, live, and play.
LA Council's Advocacy Network (LaCAN)
A system of resources has been developed to provide up-to-date, detailed information on disabilities, educational issues, and general topics of interest to families who have children with disabilities or special needs, adults with disabilities or special needs and professionals working in the disability field.
Experienced parents are linked with new parents to provide emotional support and information about specific disabilities. Parent Liaisons provide information, referrals, education, training and one to one support to families enrolled in Children’s Special Health Services.
The transition staff work with families and professionals to help train, educate, and empower them to develop an Individualized Transition Plan that will help students reach their fullest potential.